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Rewards School of Business

"It's how we train that sets us apart. You will experience it, too"
Rewards School of Business (RSOB) is accredited by LGSETA.
RSOB is an offshoot of the Thabani Zulu & Company Training Department, a firm of Chartered Accountants (SA) established in 2007.
Our select training programmes are aligned with the unit standards of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Our courses are especially tailored for the socio-economic sector, hence the focus on professional skills development in the Public Sector and enrichment
of the SMME sector.

Our courses are offered both off and on site.
We boast a complement of highly competent facilitators and qualified assessors.
We have strong linkages with the corporate community therefore, making our course outline relevant in the workplace.
Rewards School of Business is managed by a highly competent Management Board that has a reputation to uphold, and is passionate about, skills
development in our society. The goal of the Management Board is to become a meaningful player in the education and training sector through on-going
market research and staff development.

We do not aspire to be a "Jack of all trades." The School is exclusively committed to the development of a risk-smart workforce by strengthening the country's
human resource competencies in the areas of corporate governance, risk management, public finance management and SMME management.

It's how we train that sets us apart. You will experience it, too

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